Action, Beaumont and Fletcher

Of every noble action the intent
Is to give worth reward, vice punishment.

- Beaumont and Fletcher, The Captain (c. 1609–12; published 1647), Act V, scene 5.

End, Nikolai Berdyaev

What one needs to do at every moment of one's life is to put an end to the old world and to begin a new world.

- Nikolai Berdyaev, in The Beginning and the End (1947)

Eternity, Henry Brooks Adams

A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell, where his influence stops.

- Henry Brooks Adams, in The Education of Henry Adams (1907)

Automobiles and transport, Roland Barthes

I think cars today are almost the exact equivalent of the great Gothic cathedrals. I mean the supreme creation of an era, conceived with passion by unknown artists, and consumed in image if not in usage by a whole population which appropriates them as a purely magical object.

- Roland Barthes' The New Citroën (1957)

Religion·Faith, Peter De Vries

It is the final proof of God's omnipotence that he need not exist in order to save us.

- Peter De Vries

Literature, Edith Hamilton

Great literature, past or present, is the expression of great knowledge of the human heart; great art is the expression of a solution of the conflict between the demands of the world without and that within.

~ Edith Hamilton ~

Vampires, Theda Bara

The reason good women like me and flock to my pictures is that there is a little bit of vampire instinct in every woman.

- Theda Bara, a.k.a. "The Vamp", attributed in Leta W. Clark, Women, Women, Women: Quips, Quotes, and Commentary (1977), p. 16

Money, Aristotle Onassis

If women didn't exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning.

- Aristotle Onassis, quoted in Aristotle Onassis: A Biography (1977), by Nicholas Fraser